Thursday 22 October 2015

Reader Profile

Reader Profile

During my research, I found out several pieces of information about what the readership profile will be. My magazine will follow the same readership profile as the NME magazine follows because i'm using the same music genre and style that the NME use. My specific target audience will be indie-alternative, however i may add other genres in there aswell therefore im not limiting myself, in addition to that a wider the diversity in genre's then it will appeal to more people which will increase popularity and sales. The target audience will be 16-36 year old people, which satisfies both genders for the people who enjoy indie alternative. The people who enjoy this type of music enjoy attending music events such as gigs and festivals.
  1. The average age of an NME magazine reader is 20-25, however, i believe that people below that age share the same interests of the magazine of the people that are 20-25, therefore i will aim my magazine prominently at the ages 16-36. The average age of the NME's reader is 25 which would statistically fit into the social demographic group of E which is made up of students or the unemployed and generally don't have much money so the price would need to be low but the quality needs to be high and the ideology needs to meet the criteria so it keeps the reader interested,  
  2.  The target audience of the NME  magazine is men between the ages of 17-30, however i will aim at both genders so i'm not limiting my audience which would deteriorate sales and readers of the magazine.
  3. The magazine will be read by a variety of different social demographics, however it will ultimately be A,B,C1 and E, this varies from bankers and lawyers to teachers and graphic designers to nurses and office supervisors to students and casual workers, therefore i have a extremely wide and diverse target audience which will improve sales and popularity, my aim is to make the magazine modern and share the same ideology as my target audience.

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