Saturday, 19 December 2015
Friday, 18 December 2015
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Costume Ideas
Costume Ideas
I have chosen a variety of different outfits and costumes, which i feel would be suitable and associate with someone who is interested by the Indie Rock Genre. This means that the target market and social demographic of my magazine will find them aesthetically pleasing and visually intriguing which will ultimately persuade them that this magazine will be suited for them. Clothing is a big factor within the genre, the clothes presented in the magazine front cover will have a huge impact on the reader and their initial impression of the magazine. The majority of models used in my magazine will be male and the outfits used will be of interest to the male audience, however because there are also a wide variety of female readers, i will occasionally feature a female model etc.
Within this variety of pictures i have included a number of pictures which appeal to the indie genre, things such as t-shirts, jumpers, and jackets etc. Furthermore i have included many famous indie alternative artists in clothes which appeal to the indie genre fans and also i have pictures with props such as guitars or a microphone to see how well the costume and prop fit in together because i may use a prop in my pictures.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Reader Profile
Reader Profile
During my research, I found out several pieces of information about what the readership profile will be. My magazine will follow the same readership profile as the NME magazine follows because i'm using the same music genre and style that the NME use. My specific target audience will be indie-alternative, however i may add other genres in there aswell therefore im not limiting myself, in addition to that a wider the diversity in genre's then it will appeal to more people which will increase popularity and sales. The target audience will be 16-36 year old people, which satisfies both genders for the people who enjoy indie alternative. The people who enjoy this type of music enjoy attending music events such as gigs and festivals.- The average age of an NME magazine reader is 20-25, however, i believe that people below that age share the same interests of the magazine of the people that are 20-25, therefore i will aim my magazine prominently at the ages 16-36. The average age of the NME's reader is 25 which would statistically fit into the social demographic group of E which is made up of students or the unemployed and generally don't have much money so the price would need to be low but the quality needs to be high and the ideology needs to meet the criteria so it keeps the reader interested,
- The target audience of the NME magazine is men between the ages of 17-30, however i will aim at both genders so i'm not limiting my audience which would deteriorate sales and readers of the magazine.
- The magazine will be read by a variety of different social demographics, however it will ultimately be A,B,C1 and E, this varies from bankers and lawyers to teachers and graphic designers to nurses and office supervisors to students and casual workers, therefore i have a extremely wide and diverse target audience which will improve sales and popularity, my aim is to make the magazine modern and share the same ideology as my target audience.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Music Genre
Music Genres
A music genre is a conventional category that establish some pieces of music as being a part of a set of traditions and values that the certain type of music has conventions which relates to the specific genre. There are many different types of genres which appeal to different types of audiences, the specific ones im going to discuss are, indie-alternative, rock, pop, house music, rap and blues. I'm going to discuss these and summarise them and then chose which genre i'm going to base my magazine on.

Indie alternative is a diverse genre and has a lot of different types of sounds associated with it. Bands such as Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes and The Killers represent the indie- alternate genre. This particular genre is very popular amongst teenagers because of the wide variety of sound that comes along with it and the huge amount of bands which are popular at the moment would be placed into the indie-alternate genre. This genre would be beneficial to use because it already is a favourite amongst my target audience which is students, however this genre also appeals to the older generations aswell, so my magazine would mainly focus on my target audience but would also appeal to others aswell. Also this genre has a particular fashion so i would be able to annotate the magazine with the conventions of the genre so it would instantly appeal to my target audience and they would know straight away that it was an indie-alternate magazine.
The rock genre is also very popular mainly because of the varying in sound and the visual appearence of the rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and The Who, which are all huge names in rock and even though were mainly focused in the older times but still remain very popular amongst people today. However this may not be a main choice of mine to focus my magazine on because although it is still popular, it isn't as popular as some music genres and the youth of today aren't as interested as classical bands such as Led Zeppelin because they are drowned in the pop culture of today so they aren't interested in rock so i may struggle getting my magazine to the right target audience. However this genre sometimes could relate to indie-alternative so i could link the two together to get a conjoint target audience because both the youth and the older generation are interested in indie-alternative and rock so it would be a perfect combination.
Rock- Led Zeppelin- Since ive been loving you
Rock- The Who- My generation
Rock- The Jam- Town Called Malice

Pop- Taylor Swift- Blank Space
Pop- Bruno Mars- When i was your man
Pop- Ed Sheeran- Thinking Out Loud
Rap music was mainly created by djs in the late seventies, it usually consists of a recurring beat pattern, sometimes made by the rapper themselves or a producer such as Dr Dre and Kanye West to which they rap about certain topics which other genres may not cover such as racism etc. This style of music is extremely popular upon teens so i will also consider this genre because of it's popularity. Furthermore some indie-alternative acts such as Jamie T feature rap in his songs so again it would be an option because of the wide fan base of people who love rap. Also it can also be classed as pop music so based on popularity, it is probably one of the most popular genres, which would make it a strong choice to feature on my magazine due to it's high popularity. Also the figures of rap are extremely recognisable and have interesting stories tied into them and are huge celebrities and are massive talking points such as Kanye West and his announcement on running for presidency which is huge topic that everyone is speaking about globally at the moment. Overall because of it's strong links with most genres this would be a strong genre to use as my magazine.
Rap- Biggie Smalls- One More Chance/Stay With Me
Rap- Kanye West- All Falls Down
Rap- NWA- Express Yourself
Blues music is hugely popular in both the older generation and the younger generation, the blues feature highly in a lot of different types of genres because of the amazing sound it generates. The blues has a lot of huge figures which are known by everyone such as B.B King and Eric Clapton who are known primarily because of their blues music, also indie-alternative and rock bands such as The Black Keys and The Strypes base their sound highly around the blues and are highly popular because of it. Therefore the blues are popular throughout many genres it could be the focus of my magazine due to it's popularity, however it is more commonly appreciated by the older generation and i don't think it would be popular enough to be the main focus of my magazine.
Blues- BB King- The Thrill Is Gone
Blues- BB King- Chains and Things
Blues- Stevie Ray Vaughan- Pride and Joy
Soul music is a popular genre that consists of a variety of rhythm, blues and gospel music, dating back to the 50s and it was originated in the United States. It has many links with rap, indie, blues,
house and pop so it is incredibly versatile and is included in many types of genres. Major figures such as Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder and Eddie Kendricks come under the soul category which are amazingly popular even today. Soul is mainly aimed at the older generations and we don't hear much of it in the modern generation apart from if an instrumental of an old soul track gets featured in a rap song etc. However some modern day singers are clearly inspired by the genre of soul such as Amy Winehouse and Ariana Grande by the way they soulfully sing and base their vocals around various soul tracks. However this particular genre wouldn't satisfy my target audience therefore i probably wouldn't want to base my magazine primarily on soul however the genre could feature on my magazine as a short segment.
Soul- Al Green- Free At Last
Soul- Stevie Wonder- Supestition
Soul- Gloria Jones- Tainted Love
Ultimately, I'd like the primary focus of my magazine to be around the indie genre, mainly because it's my personal favorite genre because of the versatility in the genre and how different indie bands produce different sounds based on their inspirations that they base their sound on. However i may consider adding additional sub-genres such as rap, soul and rock in the magazine because they are also some of my favorite genre's and are also heavily popular at the moment and all of the genres are subjects which I'm interested and know a lot about so i would have a lot of strong ideas.
Blues- BB King- The Thrill Is Gone
Blues- BB King- Chains and Things
Blues- Stevie Ray Vaughan- Pride and Joy

house and pop so it is incredibly versatile and is included in many types of genres. Major figures such as Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder and Eddie Kendricks come under the soul category which are amazingly popular even today. Soul is mainly aimed at the older generations and we don't hear much of it in the modern generation apart from if an instrumental of an old soul track gets featured in a rap song etc. However some modern day singers are clearly inspired by the genre of soul such as Amy Winehouse and Ariana Grande by the way they soulfully sing and base their vocals around various soul tracks. However this particular genre wouldn't satisfy my target audience therefore i probably wouldn't want to base my magazine primarily on soul however the genre could feature on my magazine as a short segment.
Soul- Al Green- Free At Last
Soul- Stevie Wonder- Supestition
Soul- Gloria Jones- Tainted Love
Ultimately, I'd like the primary focus of my magazine to be around the indie genre, mainly because it's my personal favorite genre because of the versatility in the genre and how different indie bands produce different sounds based on their inspirations that they base their sound on. However i may consider adding additional sub-genres such as rap, soul and rock in the magazine because they are also some of my favorite genre's and are also heavily popular at the moment and all of the genres are subjects which I'm interested and know a lot about so i would have a lot of strong ideas.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Monday, 28 September 2015
Main Task
The Brief
Main Task: The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Name Ideas etc
Name ideas
- College
- Life at College
- College Weekly
- Student
- The voice
- Campus
- Life on Campus
- Times
- Wyke
- Wyke Weekly
- Outlook
Colour Schemes
Purple, white and lilac
Purple, Black and White
Purple, Yellow and White
Blue, Orange and black
Red, Orange and Yellow
Green, Light Blue and White
Blue, black and white
Purple, Yellow and White
Blue, Orange and black
Red, Orange and Yellow
Green, Light Blue and White
Blue, black and white

something which is childish and inappropriate.
Feature story ideas
- Tickets on sale for the freshers party
- Sporting season
- The principle, Jay does the ice bucket challenge for ALS
- Info on NUS card
- University help
- Career help
Plug Ideas
- NUS card
- Kindle competition
The kindle competition would be beneficial because it's a new way of getting some teens who may not like the idea of reading actual books they may find reading from a kindle much more interesting because it's a whole new piece of technology, so this would be a very good way of making the target audience to buy the magazine and enter the competition. Also the NUS card would be benefical because these cards can save students who are usually low on money get huge discounts on everything they need are interested in such as clothing, food and technology.
Mise-en-scene ideas
- Wyke College
- The front cover will consist of one student in the hallway, classroom or library
- All photos will be inside or just outside wyke college.
- The color scheme i have discussed will feature prominently on the front cover
- The lighting will appear to be natural so it portrays the college in a natural and environmentally positive way.
- The cover will be aesthetically appealing and will present the college in a positive way and will feature stories which are relevant and interesting to students
The models featuring in on the front cover of the magazine will be college students which will be wearing casual clothing which the student will wear on his day to day basis so it will present the magazine as relatable because we aren't using a high fashion model which students can't relate to because it would show that the magazine don't know anything about college life. I will also consider the models facial features and body position. I want the model to look naturally happy because if he looked sad or bored then it would present the college in a negative light. Therefore the student must look calm but happy in the picture. In the photo the model will rather be holding some folders with his work in which shows that students enjoy the education they are reviving, or the student will be in the college library doing work or just the student looking happy and relaxed. The props that will be folders and bags so it is things that students have on a daily basis
Camera Framings
Camera Framing's
Extreme Close Up
This shot is to show specific detail to a paticular part of the person, in this example the eyes.
Close up
This shot is what you would normally take of someone's face so it concentrates on their face only.Medium Close up
This particular shot is taken from the waist upwards. It presents the models facial expression and features well and it also shows the models body from the waist upwards. This specific shot is most commonly used in adverts and magazines.
Long shot
Commonly used to demonstrate the models full body or the back ground. This could also be used to advertise an outfit in a clothing advert because it shows the whole body and presents the clothes that the model is wearing.
High shot
The camera is positioned above the eye line and the camera is looking down at the subject, this angle is typically used to make the person look smaller then they actually are or to portray a certain type of emotion or vibe which the magazine or advert etc might me trying to present.
Low shot
In this shot the camera is positioned below the eye line and the camera is looking up at the subject and is typically used to make the model or object look larger and portray them in a dominant and confident way.
Two people in the shot
This is just two people in the shot.
Image framed to the right
This position is where the model or object is positioned in the right hand side of the shot to give emphasis on the position.
Image framed to the left
This position is where the model or object is positioned on the left hand side of the shot to give the position a certain degree of effect or meaning.
Image is central
Finally this position is where the model or object is positioned central to portray the model as important.
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